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HLM0401 ALLin™ Mega HS HiFi Mastermix



Extra high fidelity hotstart PCR in mastermix:
Up to 100x vs. Taq and 20 kb templates

100 reactions @50 ul
2 x 1.25 ml – ALLin™ Mega Hotstart HiFi Mastermix, 2X
1X mastermix contains 1 mM dNTP, 3 mM MgCl2, enhancers, stabilizers
3 x 1 ml – PCR Water


Hot start enzyme for increased sensitivity and great multiplex results
Fast, high yield PCR with the fidelity 100x higher than Taq
Up to 20 kb long PCR even from complex templatesIncreased processivity for faster amplification and higher yield
High thermostability for better denaturation of GC rich templates
Best choice for NGS and other sequencing applications

Safety data sheet